RTDC Motorkhana Round 3

RTDC Motorkhana Round 3

Competition starts at 8:30am and finishes at 4:30pm. All drivers must arrive no later than 8am.

Please make sure you provide us with your Motorsport Australia licence and Club membership on the registration page (if you have one, otherwise select RTDC and N/A if you're a Come & Try entrant).


Payment is taken securely through PayPal. You don't need a PayPal account as you can continue through as a 'guest'. This is to ensure you and your card remain safe.



Self-Check Scruitineering form will need to be completed. This is a basic form to check that your car is in working order for your safety and those around you also competing.

Championship 2025:

If you are wanting to be part of RTDC Championship, click HERE for the details

What to expect:

  • Minimum of 4 Motorkhana handbook courses will be run to ensure you leave with a smile on your face!
  • Two attempts at each tests
  • Electronic timing and results are available through your phone on https://rtdc.com.au/event-results
  • A friendly, relaxed atmosphere



Passengers and spectators are welcome to attend. Passengers will not be able to enter any car unless they have completed the Passenger form and receive a wrist band on arrival. Payments are charged at $10 for the entire day and will be taken via credit card only at the Administration desk.


No charge at all if you have any people coming down just to watch. 

More Event Type information:

If you want to learn more about the types of events there are, click HERE to see the details

Event Details

Event Date 05-07-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 05-07-2025 4:30 pm
Registration Start Date 29-11-2024
Capacity 40
Registered 2 [View List]
Available place 38
Cut off date 03-07-2025 11:00 pm
Individual Price $120.00
Location SMSP - Skidpan
Supplementary Regulations RTDC Supplementary Regulations_rd3_v2.doc