IMG 4602

Well what a busy start to the year we have had. As such this has been my first chance to get onto writing up a report on our events.

Round 1 started out with some nerves on our behalf, we were trialling a new traffic light system for starting. But if there was something to put those nerves to rest, was we had the gods with us in the form of a full sun and empty sky. As scrutineering was being completed it appeared we had an influx of new competitors and a few of our regulars had chosen to sit out due to the Interclub supersprint being held the next day. Little did we know that some of the new drivers had a bit of skill up their sleeves. A new car on the scene, a stickered up little Honda civic pivoted on a dime and found itself in the top 5 by the end of the day. The volunteers had it tough, a gale force wind trying to rip down their tent and trying to lower their body temperatures! The day took a sour turn as a very unusual storm rolled through and gave us all a little fright.

edited 2

Round 2 mirrored round 1. The weather was awesome and we once again had some new cars. The traffic light system was well and truly in full swing and from all reports the competitors have loved its inclusion. As our club evolves the live timing setup is also becoming more and more embraced. Allowing competitors to check their standings as the event goes on. Once again Rob Benkovich was to pull ahead and take the cake, but from the times it would appear as if a few of the other regulars are slowly sneaking up on him. We shall see....