Role: The role of the President is to ensure proper functioning of the Club and its committee. Some duties include:
- Prepare agendas and chair all meetings when Secretary isn’t available;
- Attend as many Club functions, activities, events and meetings as possible;
- Be completely familiar with the Constitution and general Club policy;
- Act as the CAMS delegate for the club;
- Act as the Public Officer for the club
- Prepare the Presidents Annual Report for the AGM;
- Manage nominations for Committee elections;
- Drive short, medium and long term club goals;
- Handle committee handovers;
- Oversee the Event activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Marketing activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Media activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Social activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Web activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Official Registrar;
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Vice President
Role: The role of the Vice President is to stand in for the president in absentia. Some duties include:
- Chair meetings of the Club when President is absent;
- Assist the President where needed;
- Ensure all committee tasks are completed on time;
- Attend as many Club functions, activities, events and meetings as possible;
- Be completely familiar with the Constitution and general Club policy;
- Act as the CAMS delegate for the club;
- Act as the Public Officer for the club
- Prepare the Presidents Annual Report for the AGM;
- Manage nominations for Committee elections;
- Drive short, medium and long term club goals;
- Handle committee handovers;
- Oversee the Event activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Marketing activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Media activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Social activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Web activities of the Club;
- Oversee the Official Registrar;
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Role: The role of the Secretary is to maintain and manage development of all club records. Some duties include:
- Prepare agendas and set dates for all committee meetings;
- Maintain minutes of all proceedings at meetings;
- Receive and attend to correspondence;
- Communicate CAMS bulletins to the President and Vice President;
- Responsibility for all matters associated with the Club's affiliation and association with CAMS;
- Keep, record and maintain the Club's files; and
- Prepare an annual report for compilation by the AGM.
- Gather committee reports for all meetings;
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Role: The role of the Webmaster is to coordinate the production of the website. Some duties include:
- Manage the website
- Manage the webhosting / email
- Manage any IT/web related services the club may need.
- Manage the Facebook account
- Update events calendar on website
- Provide web stats at meetings
- Manage members within mailchimp/surveymonkey/etc.
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Role: The role of the Treasurer is to oversee and manage all Club finances. Some duties include:
- Know the Incorporations ACT
- Management of all monies received and paid out by the Club;
- Generate financial reports for each meetings;
- Final preparation and auditing of annual financial statement within two week of the AGM;
- Management, maintenance, insurance and storage of Club equipment;
- Review of Budget/Balance sheets submitted by event organizers and reporting on such to the Committee;
- Prepare annual financials within 5 days after EOFY for submission to the committee;
- Advisor to the Committee on the Club's financial position;
- Proper allocation of Club funds.
- Receive and make payment of all invoices
- Maintain Pre Spend Form for all general fund requests.
- Evidence of all monies deposited
- Compile budgets from the committee.
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Membership Officer
Role: The role of the Membership Secretary is to manage the club memberships. Some duties include:
- Correspond with prospective new members;
- Enrol new members and collect the fees;
- Report on progress of membership renewals;
- Maintain a current membership list;
- Assist Secretary as required;
- Prepare an annual report of membership numbers for the AGM
- Manage members within website
- Print membership cards
- Post membership packs promptly
- Correspond membership deals with relevant parties
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Event Administration
Role: The role of the Event Administrator is to manage the Clubs event forms. Some duties include:
- Complete Annual checklist by 15th November
- Complete event checklist as specified
- Manage event contracts
- Manage further regulations and bulletins
- Point of contact for venues
- Work with the Event Secretaries to formulate the sup regs
- Keep CAMS forms up to date
- Submit all event forms to the relevant parties
- Prepare event packs for competitors
- Take minutes of meetings if needed;
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Media and Promotions
Role: The role of the Media and Promotions is to manage the Clubs media coverage. Some duties include:
- Manage YouTube content
- Organise photographic coverage at all RTDC events.
- Manage photo galleries on the RTDC website
- Design all promotional material
- Arrange the trophies for championships
- Arrange prizes for fundraising activities
- Guest speakers for the annual presentation;
- Manage club promotions / sponsorships
- Manage Facebook content
- Writing event wrap ups after all events for publication
- Organise club equipment/marketing
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above
Officials Registrar
Role: The role of the Officials Registrar is to manage the Clubs volunteers. Some duties include:
- Manage coverage of officials at all events
- Keep a record of available officials.
- Promote benefits of becoming an official
- Promote training opportunities and advancement with CAMS accreditation
- Assist at a minimum of 1 event
- Hold/acquire current CAMS General Official licence or above