Category: 2024 Events

What an outstanding year we've had with events for 2024!

We managed to get through 4 Motorkhanas, shared a whole lot of track days and Hillclimbs to anyone that wanted to compete as well.

Just for the motorkhanas alone, we had 82 entrants and 35 of those were Come & Try entrants. It's amazing to see how many new people are coming through and a lot of those people have continued on to either be RTDC members or join us for multiple rounds.

None of this would have been possible without our awesome committee members; Johnathan, Phil, Andrew, Ben and Renee and of course to our volunteer officials throughout the year Krishna, Jason and his kids, Theo, Gavin and the team from NSWRRC Dean, Kieran, Gerry.

We're excited to have new timing which has been in place for the last 2 rounds where anyone can go to our website and see live timing on their phones. A huge shout out to Gavin Bell for working hard to get this running for us.

For anyone keeping track on how they've gone for the entire year, we've done a place table on everyone for the year and where you ended up. A massive thank you to those who were able to join us for all 4 rounds! There were 10 of you; Andrew Best, Sean O'Sullivan, Catherine Ferraro, Vito Guarrera, Morgan Skelton, Sarith Pallawela, Thomas Kramer, Bastiaan Olij, Blake Olij and Phil Murphy


CONGRATULATIONS to Andrew Best for 1st place, Sean O'Sullivan for 2nd place and Catherine Ferraro in 3rd place overall for the year!

AWD Winners:


RWD Winners: 


FWD Winners:


We'll have 2025 events up and open for you to register over the next week or so. We have all the 'Save the Dates' up on the website so you can block it out in your calendars until then. Event Registration

We thank everyone again for all your support, we loved seeing you all this year and we look forward to a bigger 2025 (maybe with a proper Championship :) )

Overall 2024 Event results




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