Category: 2024 Events

We had a great turnout for our 2nd round on the 5th of May 2024. Luckily the rain wasn't as bad as predicted, but the rain only helps the skidpan anyway!

There was 19 Come & Try entrants which is phenominal and the highest we've ever had. Overall we had 40 people entered for the day. 

CONGRATULATIONS to Andrew Best for 1st place, Morgan Skelton for 2nd place and Philip East in 3rd place overall. All gents were in AWD.

1st place in RWD was Benjamin Simpson and 1st place for RWD was our youngest entrant, Blake Olij, even beating his dad Bastiaan!

It's great to see all our members getting up there!

Names below with an ** are our Come & Try entrants and did an amazing job!

Awesome work and thank you to our officials for the night. If you've taken any photos or videos, please upload them to our FB page in the Round 2, 2024 album and tag people if you know who they are.

Round 3 is up and ready for your entry!

 Screenshot 2024 05 06 181209




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