Category: 2015 Events

Round 4 Motorkhana 2015

IMG 6601 chopped

Well what an end to the championship that was! Im sure all of those of you who were present could feel the suspense, as each member took to each course as if there were only 1 point separating them.

RTDC were proud to have a junior attend our event, and what a surprise he was. Kye ended the day 27th out of 35 participants. Kye’s Toyota Starlet was on song all day and didn’t let up. Admittedly we were very cautious and sceptical about having such a young driver, but after a few

runs with a guardian in tow, we felt that Kye was competent to pilot the vehicle on his own. Now I’m not one to throw stones, but I would expect some of the guys behind him may need to pick up their game.

We were also graced by the presence of a rather knowledgeable driver, piloting a new model mini cooper S. A lot of drivers were commenting on how well it was being driven, and it was not until I had a quick chat with the driver that I found out the secret to his skill. He himself is heavily involved in motorkhana, along with another member of the family who would most likely show up the whole competition.

As always we had a few drivers who pushed their cars hard, however still retained control, and this was evident in some of the photos that we have seen.

Possibly one of the more complicated full skid pans we have run to date, saw a lot of “WD” (wrong directions) being applied. It also saw a lot of members spinning and choosing to vent their frustration on the cones and their tyres (something we don’t enjoy safety wise).

At the end of the round there are some big surprises in the results. At this stage I am unable to tell you the details, however rest assured it will be posted promptly after our presentation evening.

As with all our events, feedback has been positive and we as the hosts were pleased that the event went very well time wise.

All the committee and volunteers would like to thank you for the championship passed, and if we don’t see you in the meantime, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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