Category: 2016 Events

So next year is going to be another epic year of motorsport. With that in mind, we have added a twist to the motorkahna championship. With the points difference between 1st and 3rd place (after all events) being so close, this twist could potentially alter who gets the trophies. We have also added a track championship that will be run within the interclub events. See how things will be next year below.

Motorkhana championship

We are happy to announce that we have added a 5th round this year. Yes RTDC will run our 4 events as normal with our full pan craziness, because we know you all love it, however for 2016 the 86 club have extended us an invite to 2 of their twighlight motorkhana events. One of these is primarily a drift event, but the other will be traditional motorkahna style. This will be the event we add to our championship.

So how it works....

our championship runs on 4 events, this means you now have more choice. You can compete in all 5 if you like and we will drop your worst result, or if you aren't able to make all 4 rtdc run events then you can join the 86 club round and your result in that will count towards our championship.

For those who want a further discount to the member's price, we also have an early bird special which will only run until 17th February. Simply add all 4 of our rounds to your cart on the website, pay in one transaction and use this discount code at the checkout "champ10n". This is available to members and non-members although prices will vary between both.

Track Championship

RTDC has been invited to take part in the interclub supersprint series with events at SMSP and Wakefield Park. There are 7 rounds in 2016 and RTDC is hosting 1 later in the year. Classes will be simplified to AWD, FWD and RWD much like the motorkhana series and your time on the day will see you ranked against other RTDC members that attend the day. 

So how it works.... our championship runs on 5 events and the RTDC round must be one of the 5. You can compete in all 7 if you like and we will only count your top 5 results. Remember you are only competing against other RTDC members, not the whole field so the more you attend the better your chances.

Now to the twist – Bonus points

We have introduced bonus points for next year. This is an incentive to get people to volunteer their time to help us official at other events like track days and motorkhanas. As we all know, without officials the events don't run.

So the points awarded for volunteering your time will be 5 points per event. This will be capped at a maximum of 2 events (10 points), however if you find you like it (being trackside as a flaggie and closer to the action than anyone else) you can volunteer at as many as you like. Points will be awarded and added to your total at the discretion of the clerk of course and the RTDC president. We feel this will add another dimension to both our championships next year.

Remember, entries are already open for next year's events. All RTDC skidpan events are capped at 36 entries (with 4 reserves incase people pull out) so get in quick. 

As many of you may know, RTDC took out the win for NULON nationals in 2015. We are again running the first round for NULON nationals in 2016. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to get some points on the board before you even get behind the wheel in 2016. If you are interested in doing so please email


Happy motorsport and safe driving on the roads to all

From all of us at RTDC

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